Q&A with Paula May
1. Deciding to become an artist is such a leap of faith and I feel takes so much courage, tell us about how you decided that art was what you wanted to do?
Art was something I slowly fell into. I had the urge to start painting and I believe that drive is what pushed me into getting creative in a new area. The easy part was the beginning, because its new, exciting and you feel endlessly inspired. I’ve found that having courage is a constant with being an artist, to keep pushing yourself to continue and create is something I really respect in other artists now that I’ve become one. It isn’t always easy and inspiration often comes when you least expect it.

2. Can you please tell us about the inspiration behind the Come Together painting?
I painted this piece right in the heart of the pandemic, and though at the time I wasn’t aware of it I think this piece was a reflection of my appreciation to connection. Sometimes it takes being apart from something to realise how much you need it. When I paint I let the pieces tell me their own story. I use art as more of a gateway into understanding myself and the world around me a little better.

3. Do you have a routine? How do you keep motivated?
My routine changes depending on where I’m at creatively. Generally when I’m feeling inspired I will have my art tunes on Spotify playing, I’ll sip on coffee and take small breaks outside in between drafting. I’m an all or nothing type of person and so when I feel inspired I tend to paint until I stop feeling it. Because its fleeting I take advantage when it does come. Nature is my go to place to reset and clear my thoughts, which in turn allows new ideas to flow through!

4. How was your work affected by COVID?
To be honest during lockdown my art actually began to flourish. I believe partly because I had my nose buried deep into painting “where your thoughts go energy flows” as the saying goes but also because I sell almost everything online and I think that the influx of people online went up because of lockdown. Though globally it has been quite a wild year, creativity it has been incredibly abundant for my art and I’m just so so grateful for it! I never would have pictured my first year of being and artist looking like this.

5. Thank you for collaborating with us, I hope you like the Collection I’ve designed to compliment your artwork ~ any highlights?
Thank you! I’m so honoured to have been a part of it. I absolutely love this collection, I especially love the rompers and one shoulder tops, vintage inspired modern pieces are my favourite. I’m tempted to buy one of everything!
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